Marches Foot Care & Ear Wax Removal

Bishops Castle, South Shropshire


I’m Vikki Robson DipCFHP MPS Practitioner, specialist in Foot Care and Ear Wax removal. I have been running my clinic in Bishop’s Castle, South Shropshire since September 2022 and absolutely love helping the community. To make an appointment please pop into the clinic, call on the phone or use the booking feature on this website. I look forward to meeting you in person.

Marches Foot Care & Ear Wax Removal - Vikki Robson


Foot Care

Future treatment will be discussed at your initial assessment

marches ear wax removal, bishops castle

Ear Wax Removal

Blocked ears? Check for wax build up in your ears

Onyfix Nail Treatment

For correcting nail problems gently; ingrown or involuted nails



A non-invasive treatment for fungal nail infections

Get in touch

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07779 976 648
Bishops Castle, SY95AQ
